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Central America Immigration

Business Concept


I developed a business concept to help US and Central American communities address the impacts of demographic change.  If you know of anyone at the World Bank that might be interested in a briefing on this concept, I would be happy to provide one.




The Mexican origin population in the US has reached an equilibrium (the increase in the number of Mexican origin citizens coming into the US each year is now equal to the number returning to Mexico each year).  However, this is not the case for the Central American origin population -- it is the fastest increasing population in the US (see graph).  Princeton University sociologist, Douglas Massey, predicts that the Central American origin emigration to the US will continue due to both "push" and "pull" factors. With this continued increase in Central America origin residents, there will an increasing need to provide technical services and program design/management support to public and private entities dealing with its negative impacts.


I have developed a system based on US Census data and other sources to rapidly assess demographics for Central American Northern Triangle origin populations in the US.  We can do this down to the census tract level (approximately a 10 block area in a city). With this information, we could then identify potential constraints on local services, opportunities for business development, and social and political problems.  I would be happy to provide a presentation on the theoretical background on the Central American demographic issue and what the demographic experts believe will continue to happen in this area.  I can also talk about the potential negative impacts and how concerned entities could identify issues, develop and implement solutions, and keep key stakeholders informed on how to best allocate funding in this sector.  The potential to generate new consulting service and program implementation business could be significant using this approach.  




Product - Demographic mapping and support services to (1) identify and pinpoint Central American origin populations in the US down to the census tract level, (2) define potential problems and opportunities and their economic impact, and (3) provide program design and implementation solutions to address negative outcomes and/or take advantage of opportunities.


Value Proposition - Using this demographic mapping system and support services local, state and federal government entities, public school districts, Congressional offices, private businesses depending on Hispanic labor, etc. could be supported to (1) understand how their annual operating  budgets might be impacted by current and future demographic changes, (2) develop plans to mitigate impact on local community services (education, health, economic development, etc.), and (3) provide specific design and implementation assistance for proposed activities.  An overarching value of this approach would be to provide these entities with a fact-based, persuasive argument for the types of federal and state funding needed to address demographic change. It would also support their ability to design and implement effective programs.


Cost - Senior Program Advisor - 12 month level of effort - $150,000 - to work with in-house staff to: (1) design a final business strategy tailored to the strengths of company's consulting services areas of practice for public and private entities; (2) design and implement an outreach marketing strategy targeting high potential clients who would substantially benefit from understanding potential budget impact of demographic change; and (3) provide consulting services in "best practices" program design and implementation for education, economic development, conflict mitigation, etc to US and Central American entities impacted by demographic change.


Price - The price charged for these consulting and program design and implementation services to US and Central American entities impacted by demographic change would be the standard consulting, program design and implementation fees normally charged.  This could be a new line of business for consulting firms currently focused primarily on international development.  The new market would be local, state and federal agencies, school districts, private companies, etc across the US. It could also be a service that would be valuable to policy makers, lobbying firms, and Congressional offices.


Returns - With $3.7 billion already being mentioned by the Administration to address an immediate problem of child immigrants from Central America, there may be significant public and private investments in this area in the immediate, mid-term and, potentially, long-term periods. A key aspect of the market outreach strategy under this approach would be to highlight to affected entities the potential economic impact of demographic change (both good and bad impacts), describe the opportunities and their value, and provide a solution that significantly reduces costs associated to demographic change, helps communities better cope, and provides a fact-based approach to designing policies.


Market Strategy - By mapping key areas that have the highest potential for negative impact from existing and future demographic change, we would be able to segment the market and target public and private entities that would more readily understand the value of the services being offered.  A marketing outreach strategy could be developed and implemented specifically targeting those entities.  There would also be an outreach campaign with key stakeholders to explain the costs, opportunities and actions needed to competently plan for demographic change that would include local, state and federal offices, Congressional offices and key Executive branch agencies.


I am available next week and would be glad to walk anyone through a brief on the potential opportunities in this type of approach.



Michael Maxey

Maxey Information Services


Cell: 703 888-9143

2025 by Maxey Information Services

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