Michael Maxey Bio
Michael Maxey
Economic Development Advisor with over 30 years experience
in Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa and the Middle East.
Key Qualifications
Senior Manager with extensive experience in designing and leading field operations in agricultural development, food aid, and economic growth projects in Africa, the Middle East, Latin America and the Caribbean. Demonstrated strong management, marketing and commercial skills in designing and implementing creative approaches to increase incomes in high poverty areas. Developed concepts and marketing proposals that have been broadly adopted by USAID, other donors, and the private sector.
Gaza Community Development - Led implementation of $100 million humanitarian assistance program providing shelter, education, skills training, enterprise development and youth counseling for more than 90,000 residents. Program was able to improve living conditions, provide employment opportunities for youth, and mitigate the social and psychological impact of the ongoing conflict. Program assessments indicated that beneficiaries had a greater sense of hope and ability to cope with the situation in Gaza.
Iraq Agriculture Program – Led the re-design and implementation of $340 million program that significantly enhanced agriculture production, increased farmer incomes, and promoted rural employment. My efforts supported the revitalization of Iraqi $100 million aquaculture industry in North Babil and established activities that will create $120 million in farmer revenue and provide 27,000 new rural jobs during 2009 – 2010.
Agricultural Marketing Infrastructure Program - Led design of $87 million economic growth program in El Salvador aimed at increasing incomes of the poor by identifying key markets, designing effective production/marketing initiatives, and leveraging private sector investment. Program empowered poor farmers through an innovative $20 million investment mechanism to provide capital for business ventures.
Global Coffee Marketing Strategy – Analyzed economic development activities in over 20 coffee producing countries and developed a USAID Global Coffee Strategy to increase coffee quality and the incomes of small scale coffee farmers. This concept led to the design and implementation of major USAID and multi-lateral bank specialty coffee initiatives partnering with the US specialty coffee sector.
Agricultural Market Access for the Poor - Developed and implemented a concept to link Central American multi-national supermarket chains to small farmer production systems in Nicaragua benefiting 17,000 small scale farmers supplied product for $100 million fresh fruit and vegetable market in 254 supermarkets across Central America.
MBA with Honors - International Marketing, University of Costa Rica, 2003
MS in Agronomy, Mississippi State University, 1980
BS in Agronomy, Mississippi State University, 1977
Spanish - FSI score of 3 Reading/3 Speaking.
Portuguese – FSI score of 3 Reading/3 Speaking.