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USAID (US Agency for International Development) 

USAID was involved in Vietnam supporting stabilization efforts.  A history of that work is summarized in a 1971 USAID Frontlines edition.  My first job with USAID was seven years later in 1978 as a Personal Services Contractor at USAID Guinea-Bissau.  I became a Direct Hire in 1983.  I retired from USAID in 2007 and was re-appointed as a Foreign Service Officer to serve as the USAID Representative on an Embedded Provincial Reconstruction Team in North Babil Province south of Baghdad with the 4th Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, "The Rock of the Marne."  The April/May 2011 edition of FrontLines focused on Iraq and asked me eight questions about my time there.


For a copy of the 1971 Front Lines newsletter see the pdf file link below or download it from here.  For a copy of the 2011 Front Lines newsletter see the pdf file link below or download it from here.

Front Lines - 1971

USAID Frontlines 1971.jpg

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