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USAID Reorganization 2017

The page contains information on USAID's reorganization under the Trump Administration.  There is no qualitative assessment of the value of the changes being made -- the purpose of this page is to be a placeholder for information on the reorganization.

The tables included in the FY 2017 Congressional Budget Justification for Foreign Operations are included in this file.  They provide staffing levels for each operational unit in USAID in AID Washington and the field.

The website link below contains the budget numbers for FY 2018 -- this was included in the Devex article of April 25, 2107.


This is a rough analysis of the impact of budget cuts on staffing levels based on budget allocations by Mission and Bureau and multiplied the percent budget reduction projected for 2018 by the 2017 staffing numbers for US Direct Hires (USDHs) in each unit included in the 2017 CBJ. 


Two groups were considered (1) those Missions that would be completely closed out plus the Bureaus in Washington that had draconian cuts and (2) the Missions that had approximately 40% cut in funds or higher. Based on those two groups, the potential total cuts would be 384 USDHs.  That is not including the other reductions of funding of 30% or less for the remaining Missions.


Out of a total 3,611 USDHs in Washington (2,007 in DC) and Missions (1,604 in the field) approximately 384 positions could be eliminated.  Based on these estimates, the number of reduced positions would be 175 USDH in Washington versus a 209 USDH in the field.  Even if these numbers were doubled to a total of 768 USDHs -- that would still only be a 20% cut in overall USDH positions.  

2025 by Maxey Information Services

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